Our organization, Women in Computer Science at Worcester Polytechnic Institute, is built with the following goals in mind: EMPOWER women in Computer Science. SUPPORT women throughout their study of Computer Science. BUILD a strong network of friendly faces for women in Computer Science. CONNECT members with professionals in the Computer Science Industry. CHALLENGE the biases, myths, and prejudices faced by women in Computer Science. UPDATE the WPI community about current issues surrounding women in technology and technological advances. EDUCATE members about important technical skills.
About Us
Women in Computer Science (WiCS), is a student run organization on campus for all students to support each other and be supported. Our goals are to aid in college classes and stress, as well as create lasting friendships around campus. WiCS is here to support students’ studies, opportunities, friendships, and their overall college experiences. We are here to help educate and promote women in this field. To do this we host events that connect students to opportunities, bring companies to campus, prepare them for classes, give resources, coding competitions, professor workshops, movie nights and provide upperclassmen help.
E: wics-exec@wpi.edu
Women in Computer Science
100 Institute Road
Worcester, MA, 01609
United States