High Power Rocketry Club

Design, build, test, and launch a high power rocket and payload system


About Us

The High Power Rocketry Club (HPRC) competes in high power rocketry competitions. This year, we are competing in the Intercollegiate Rocketry Engineering Competition (IREC). Previously, our team competed in NASA's University Launch Initiative (USLI). We also take a large portion of our time in the club to educate members through club-run workshops on topics such as rocketry, robotics, manufacturing, computer aided design and much more.

Upcoming Events

Feb 5 | 7:00pm - 8:00pm


Join us at our GBM for team updates, activities, and workshops!

(Sign in to see the location)

Feb 12 | 7:00pm - 8:00pm


Join us at our GBM for team updates, activities, and workshops!

(Sign in to see the location)

Feb 19 | 7:00pm - 8:00pm


Join us at our GBM for team updates, activities, and workshops!

(Sign in to see the location)

Feb 26 | 7:00pm - 8:00pm


Join us at our GBM for team updates, activities, and workshops!

(Sign in to see the location)

Mar 5 | 7:00pm - 8:00pm


Join us at our GBM for team updates, activities, and workshops!

(Sign in to see the location)

The Competition

The Intercollegiate Rocket Engineering Competition (IREC) is the world's largest university rocket engineering competition held each year as a part of the Spaceport America Cup. College teams compete with rockets built to reach a target altitude of either 10,000 or 30,000 feet and a payload weighing 8.8 pounds. Teams are judged on written technical reports, quality of final design, payload functionality, rocket performance, and presentations to judges while at the competition. For the 2025 competition, our team will be competing in the 10,000 ft COTS category and building a robotic payload.

The Leadership Team

Daniel Willins Profile

Daniel Willins

Safety Officer
Zachary Taillefer Profile

Zachary Taillefer

Jordan Gaspar Profile

Jordan Gaspar

Documentation Officer
Mo Lockwood Profile

Mo Lockwood

Logistics Officer
Giampaolo Maneri Profile

Giampaolo Maneri

Engagement Officer
Nicole Leute Profile

Nicole Leute

Sponsorship Officer
Alex Knox Profile

Alex Knox

PR Officer
Annika Trainer Profile

Annika Trainer

Amber Drinkwater Profile

Amber Drinkwater

Payload Lead
Kate Lindsay Profile

Kate Lindsay

Rocket Lead
Colette Scott Profile

Colette Scott

EnP Lead
John Lambert Profile

John Lambert


E: gr-hprc-officers@wpi.edu

High Power Rocketry Club

100 Institute Road
Worcester, MA, 01609
United States