Student Organization - Club Sports
Website Mission Membership Benefits
Contact: Elizabeth Goncalves, Email group officers
Mission The purpose of WPI Club Tennis is to provide a club at WPI for students to play tennis in both recreational and competitive settings. The team will provide opportunities for competitive play and drills at practices as well as match opportunities with other colleges at both the varsity and club level. The club also aims to cater to newer players and beginners in order to increase the greater tennis community across campus.
Membership BenefitsOnly WPI students are eligible for membership of WPI Club Tennis. Every student at WPI is welcome to participate. WPI Club Tennis will not discriminate on the basis of race, creed, religion, color, age, sexual orientation, disability, veteran status, marital status or national origin. Students are free to join the club or discontinue membership at any time. For a student to be considered an active member of Club Tennis, they must attend a minimum of four events per semester. These events include but are not limited to practices, matches, social events, fundraising events and community service events.
Club Tennis has a total of 240 points.
Lifetime membership